Miniargiolestes minimus (Watson, 1977)
Family Megapodagrionidae
This is a Western Australian endemic damselfly.
I spotted these Stream Flatwings along the edge of Margaret River. The young male has 2 distinctive white bars at the end of its abdomen but these change to an indistinct brown in older males.
The veins in the forewings in Miniargiolestes differ from the other Western Australian genus Archiargiolestes. The Ac vein is found much closer to the Ax2 vein in Miniargiolestes but is almost midway between Ax1 and Ax2 in Archiargiolestes.
The pterostigmas in the wings are white to pink in colour.

A male Stream Flatwing at Margaret River W A on February 12th 2014

Anal appendages of a male Stream Flatwing at Margaret River on February 12th 2014.

A young male Stream Flatwing showing the white markings at the end of its abdomen. Margaret River W A on February 12th 2014