Hemicordulia continentalis Martin, 1907)
Family Hemicorduliidae

A Rainbow Bee-eater at Red Rock NSW with a male Fat-bellied Emerald which it swallowed a few moments after this photograph was taken on 24th January 2012.
There were quite a number of dragonflies of a few different species flying up to the level of the canopy in a small patch of littoral rainforest at Red Rock, NSW. It was early morning.( 8.30am daylight savings time).
The next day around 9:30am I again visited the same patch of rainforest hoping to be able to photograph some of the dragonflies.
One which looked like a Tau Emerald landed low enough for me to photograph but scrutinizing the photos later revealed the dragonfly to be another species of Hemicordulia – a Fat-bellied Emerald!